Eling Bening | Complete Family Travel in Ambarawa

You may already be familiar with travel in the central city of Semarang as Lawang Sewu, Sam Poo Kong, until the Great Mosque of Central Java. Yes, travel in Semarang city is dominated by historical attractions and religi.Nah, if you're already bored with the tourist type, it's time you move on to the district of Semarang, precisely in the area Ambarawa. In Ambarawa there is a tourist place very quickly attract tourists to come visit Bali Cheap Hotel, the name of the tour is Eling Bening.Eling Bening is actually a restaurant that brings the concept of family travel. So apart as a dining area, Eling Bening has also become one of the leading tourist spot in Ambarawa. Attraction of approximately 10 hectares is located not far from the Swamp Dizziness.

Eling Bening offers a very beautiful natural scenery with the main view Rawa Dizziness with background Merbabu, Andong and Telomoyo are seen standing proudly. Tourism, which opened in 2015 in a heartbeat attracts many tourists with the beauty of the panorama. There are a lot of activities that we can do in Bali Private Villa Eling Bening, ranging from playing outbound, trekking, hunting to bath in the pool. With a wide range of amenities, no wonder if Eling Bening has now become one of the favorite tourist spots in the district of Semarang. Its location in the highlands makes the air in the region Eling Bening pretty cool, especially in the morning and afternoon. 

Every day Eling Bening never empty of tourists, especially among young people who are looking for beautiful natural scenery as a background picture. Eling Bening fact rarely the choice of the tourists to a prewedding photograph them and also to hold a wedding party. Not only among young people only, photography lovers also come into Eling Bening for cool photo hunt. Additionally, Eling Bening could be one of the family-friendly and romantic travel in Semarang know. Satisfied kece photo hunt, now is the time we indulge stomach. As explained above, Eling Bening is a restaurant with a fairly complete travel concept. Eling Bening offers a range of typical Bali Best Hotel Indonesian menu at an affordable price.

Cool again, admission to the region Eling Bening can we change with a drink, you know. This is the main attraction of attractions Eling Bening, it seems the manager wants to attract tourists not just a photo hunt alone, but also try the food at their restaurant. Well, with so many advantages and facilities of the attractions Eling Bening, if it makes you interested? So when you visit the Eling Bening? For those of you who want to stay, in the region there have been Eling Bening camp ground locations that we can use for camping. Or, if you want to look for another location, can find a hotel in the area and Bandungan Ambarawa. Access to Eling Bening can be fairly easy, from Semarang city center you just follow the route Semarang - Tembalang - Gombel - Ungaran - Bawen - Ambarawa - Eling Bening. 

Once you arrive at a red light Arterial Road (after the terminal Bawen), there are instructions on the Kartini Street side of the road, just follow the road (the road began to climb), Eling Bening is in the side of the road not long after Jalan Kartini. If you pass the toll of the exit toll Bawen please take the right toward Terminal Bawen, from there please turn left and follow the directions as above. Meanwhile, if you're from Bali Kuta Resort Grobogan, simply follow these Purwodadi - Godong - Kedung Jati - Bringin - Tuntang - Bawen -Ambarawa - Eling Bening. After arriving at a red light Arterial Road, just follow the above manner. Or if you're from Solo and Salatiga, you just follow the course Jalan Semarang-Surakarta until you arrive at Terminal Bawen and follow the instructions as above.

Ambarawa Railway Museum is a museum that has a large collection of locomotives and related goods by rail. In the museum we can find older locomotives that had triumphed in his day. Rawa Dizziness is the largest lake in the district of Bali Cheap Accommodation Semarang, in Rawa Dizziness we could see activity surrounding communities who are harvesting water hyacinth, other than that we can walk around the swamp with perahu.Jika you are looking for family travel educative and exciting, cimory Semarang could be your choice because tourist spot is the concept Restaurants, Factory, Shop and Playground that will make children comfortable to linger disini.sesuai name


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