Traditional weapons Bali

Traditional weapons Bali villa accommodation
Each area has a traditional weapon which in earlier times used both for warfare, hunting or as a complement to the official activities such as custom events. Tradisinonal weapon is already scarce because it is rarely shared by most people, however, these traditional weapons now been widely used as a collection for lovers of antiques and much sought after by collectors.

Historically, keris Bali holiday villa seminyak is part of the legacy of the Kingdom of Majapahit. That said, the influence of the Majapahit culture is so strong that the tools of war as a dagger was adopted also by the kingdoms on the island. Philosophically, keris Bali is seen as a symbol of the value of the teachings of Hindu life. In fact, they have a certain day to pray when going to care for the sanctity of his keris. Keris is also seen as an aesthetic object that has in people's lives there. Until now keris even still regarded as a symbol of strength and a symbol of power.

Typically, Hindus keep keris Bali private villa determining cleanup based on the rotation of the Earth's moon. While the determination of the washing ritual adapted to ancient Balinese Hindu calendar. The treatment of the matter is sacred kris. Understandably, the kris is considered to possess magical powers. They believe dagger is a manifestation of the spirit of the ancestors. Typically, such a keris called Keris Tayuhan, which manufacture concerned with beauty than good luck, iron materials selection, and manufacturing prominence. Such keris usually wingit, haunted, exudes prestige and sometimes frightening. Therefore, most of the Balinese people willing to take pains to simply obtain a magical dagger.

Wedhung is a handheld gun-shaped knife. wedhung itself be interpreted as readiness courtiers to the king in power. meanwhile, made of metal wedhung booked. while upstream the handle can be made of wood or iron. wedhung was not only found in Bali holiday villas, but can be found also in Cirebon. wedhung difference between Bali and Cirebon is on the knife blade. Wedhung Cirebon tends to smooth sementeara wedhung Bali there are certain motives. length of wedhung is 38 CM. for those of you who want to see such a wedhung can come to the museum Sono Budoyo Yogyakarta.

Spear or javelin is a weapon that is commonly found in the whole civilized world, mainly because of the ease of manufacture and the manufacturing cost is cheap. Spear is a weapon for hunting and war, parts consisting of a stick as a handle and eye or sharp spear heads and sometimes amplified with other materials. Along with the ax, spear is the first man-made tools and in line with the development of civilization spear and an ax which was originally in the form of bone or stone are refined metal was changed to a more robust and durable.

In Indonesia Bali Accommodation,  the spear became the main weapon used by soldiers - a traditional army archipelago. This is mainly due to the scarcity of iron and other metals in Indonesia so it is difficult to make a sword. Therefore the more common weapons used in Indonesian or Malay first nations is a weapon that uses less metal than the sword that ax, machete or machetes, and spears. Among the weapons was the only spear used only as a weapon (including a hunting weapon).

There is a kind of spear without eyes that are often used by the militia in the archipelago, namely bamboo spears made from sharpened bamboo without any reinforcement at the ends. To deal with traditional archipelago soldiers and colonial troops are awl deadly weapon because they are not equipped with armor protection.

Tiuk is the name of Bali for the knife. Tiuk more frequently brought mothers to cook, make offerings or ritual paraphernalia, and so on.

Tajen comes from the word meaning Taji pointed objects and sharp flat (a kind of knife but small). Tajen term used for cockfighting. Balinese cockfight in the beginning used for ceremonial Tabuh Rah, the sprinkling of the blood of a sacrificial animal held in a series of religious ceremonies (yadnya). Rah percussion repel Butha (negative effect) so as not to interfere with humans and avoid distress.

Kandik (ax)
Kandik a Balinese name of the ax. This Kandik longer than an ax handle in general. Kandik is usually used to cut wood or chopping wood in the garden.

Caluk is agricultural tools in the form of a long knife, but at the end there is a small arch, but the curve is not as long as scythes or sickles. Caluk is usually used by farmers to clean the grass on the edge of the footpath in the rice fields.

Scythe, sickle, or sickle is a farming tool in the form of a curved blade resembles a crescent moon. Although the same shape, linguistically and sickle and scythe tend to refer to agricultural equipment, while sickles at a sharp weapon. Sickle farmers here used to work together in Subak, working the rice fields as well as in the fields to look for grass for pets such as cows.


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  2. There is no such thing as a Balinese wedhung. What are generally referred to as wedhung in Bali are actually Pengentas. They do not serve the same ceremonial function as the Javanese Wedhung and are related to cernmation ceremonies, while the Javanese Wedhung serves a function within the keraton.


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