Still Kota Wisata Bandung Culinary Focus On Shopping

Culinary and shopping, is still regarded as the main product of Bandung city tourism activities. This fact does not mean Bandung city has no tourist attractions other than culinary and shopping. In fact, in the city of Bandung area there is a huge range of tourist activities that can be enjoyed, ranging from playing tourist, educational tours, historical tours to nature once. (Bali cheap hotel)

Related to dining and shopping, many reasons that cause these two categories to be excellent in Bandung city tourism activities. The first reason is the price of a variety of products offered in Singapore are relatively cheaper when compared to other regions. Inexpensive price of this, of course, a major factor that many interesting excursions.

Subject inexpensive price in the city itself, of course, influenced by a variety of factors. Some antaranyta is relatively low the minimum wage in the city of Bandung, the availability of raw materials are easily available, until predikan Bandung as one of the students. (Bali best hotel)

The last reason, at first glance may seem fetched but if analyzed in depth benyaknya students in the city is clearly the main parameter in price formation. In any case, students will always be regarded as a consumer without income. While the basic needs of students while in the city remains to be fulfilled.

On the other hand, students will always be regarded as the primary consumer for all products offered in the city of Bandung. Therefore, affordability for students is a key condition that must be met to maintain purchasing power. Above the simple reason is exactly the range of products available in Bandung set in a range of relatively low prices. (Bali private villa)

One thing that is unique, entrants in the younger age bracket was not only has a role as a consumer. Youths in Bandung even has a very vital role for the survival of tourism itself.
The fact is most appropriate to illustrate this point is the emergence of tens to hundreds of distros and cafe were built and developed by young people.

Thus, it can not be denied if creative ideas are always born from tourist activities based Bandung City shopping and culinary. While the creative ideas that always bring something new is certainly the main attraction for the tourist activities in the city of Bandung. (Bali kuta resort)


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