Parks Traffic Bandung, Irit and Educational Alternative Tourism

Parks traffic Bandung is a city park with a small size and functioned as a tourist attraction. Hearing the name, we might be able to predict if everything in the garden is related to traffic. It is absolutely true, because the establishment of this park is not separated from his goal to educate citizens, especially children about kelalulintasan. (Bali cheap hotel)

Entering the location, we will be presented with a variety of traffic signs at every corner of the park, also known as the Garden's Ade Irma Suryani. Through the signs of that, the function of education can take place. Parents can socialize the meaning of these signs to their children. Starting from the simplest things, such as the meaning of the symbol colors on traffic lights. Or the meaning of the signs that are often seen such verboden, letter s or prohibitions for parking.

In connection with signs, one unique reality that would be considered a misnomer. Many also encountered parents who just do not understand the meaning of some signs. Kenyatan like this of course makes the function of education in this garden grow. That is, the garden is not only to educate children so as not to blind the signs but also add knowledge or insight to parents. (Bali best hotel)

As well as a playground for children, in Bandung Traffic Park is also a means of game will probably be the main attraction for children. This is reasonable, since in this age group, children can be categorized into the age of play. In other words, the children will not be able to escape from the world of play. (Bali private villa)

To facilitate this, various types of games can be enjoyed at this place. For instance, around the park by train, cycling, play cars, play super slide, swings and a series of metal, to splash around in the shallow pool. However, for those who are more interested in the adrenaline, it also has a subordinate flying fox to test the courage. (Bali kuta resort)

Mode of the game above, it is somewhat outdated when compared to the game elsewhere. However, the facility was quite entertaining for the kids.


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